Month: August 2011

  • The Easy Way

    Today I saw a friend I hadn’t seen in almost a year and he complimented me on losing a ton of weight. I was grateful, but his immediate question was one that I’ve heard from just about every single person I know, “What’s your secret?” When I respond with the truth, which is eating smaller…

  • Permission To Fail

    If there’s one thing that I’ve noticed about myself and others is that when we’re afraid or apprehensive about something it’s because we’re scared that we might fail. We then exaggerate the consequences of that failure and turn it into much more than it probably should be. This then leads us to not even attempt…

  • The Baby With The Bath Water

    It’s no secret that I’m a fan of the ideas that Dave Ramsey espouses, including his latest effort called The Great Recovery. Today I saw someone I think highly of post on Google+ that they believe that supporters of The Great Recovery would not be helping the country, but instead could be hurting friends and…

  • Challenging Me

    Growing up I remember some kids would seemingly only keep others around as “friends” because it made them look better by comparison. I think that’s something that we can all relate to. Unfortunately, I know far too many adults who never grew out of that stage. I don’t believe I was ever one of those…

  • Quantity vs. Quality

    When I picked up my copy of QBQ by John G. Miller I was immediately disappointed. It wasn’t because it got damaged in shipping, it was because it was thin. For some reason, I had the preconceived notion that because it was only 115 pages it couldn’t possibly be any good. I’m glad that I…