Month: August 2011

  • Twitter Sidebar Saga

    Even though I got over my initial desire to constantly twiddle the knobs and have moved on to creating content daily, I have been tweaking things here and there and learning as I do so. I am by no means a guru/wizard/ninja/whatever people want to call themselves when it comes to Web development, but as…

  • Time To Recharge

    After ten days of Musikfest, today it was back to reality. Even though I’d been to the festival many times before it was my first time volunteering and I had a great time. I had the privilege of working with a great team and will definitely be helping out next year. I knew that volunteering…

  • Pubertyplatz

    This morning on Twitter there was a bit of a heated discussion going on about the area outside the Central Moravian Church, colloquially known as Pubertyplatz. During Musikfest this unofficial platz is where adolescents have congregated for as long as I can remember. The discussion was sparked by an article in The Morning Call where “the…

  • The Numbers

    I’m a numbers guy. Not in the mathematician sense, but in that I won’t commit to a purchase until I can see how it’s going to play out before I do it. For most situations that’s pretty easy, look at the price of the item. Do I have enough money? Yes. OK, I can buy…

  • Smaller Search Radius

    Back in July I posted about my needs and wants for buying a house. At the time I listed being near Bethlehem as a want. In the comments of the post Tammy suggested that I move it to a need. At the time I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but the more…