Month: August 2011

  • Indecisive

    “I don’t care.” I’m not sure why, but hearing that response to a question drives me nuts. Whether it’s asking where someone wants to go for dinner, what they want to do, or any number of opinion questions, it seems like it’s the new norm for people to not have an opinion. That, or they’re…

  • I Suck At Taking Compliments

    There’s no point in trying to sugar coat it, I suck at taking a compliment. I’ve given a lot of thought as to why that is and I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure how I’ll be able to go about dealing with them. This isn’t a solicitation for accolades, but hopefully through…

  • Unexpected

    Today has been stressful. It was largely my own fault due to procrastination and allowing things to pile up on me. That, combined with a lack of sleep and I was in a fabulous mood for most of the day. It seemed like just when I was getting ahead on a project that had been kicking…

  • I Miss College

    Today is the beginning of Penn State’s annual Student Leadership Conference. It’s an event that brings together students from across the commonwealth to collaborate, learn and have a great time. This year I know a few students who are attending and hearing their enthusiasm has me nostalgic for those simpler times. Looking back at all…

  • Serial Volunteer

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’d know that the Lehigh Valley is home to some truly great community festivals. I’m fortunate to live where I do and to be able to have so many great experiences available to me each year. As I was growing up I patronized most of them and came…