Month: June 2012

  • Time Zones

    It’s amazing what a difference two hours makes. You wouldn’t think it, but that seemingly small difference in schedules is enough to really change how you interact with people. As I spend time in the Mountain Time Zone this week I find it quite difficult to communicate with colleagues and friends. With the amazing connectivity…

  • A La Carte

    Most of the time you’re lucky if a hotel has more than a few channels of TV to choose from. As someone who travels fairly regularly for work I’ve come to accept that in most hotels, you’re going to have to put up with a small number of crummy options to veg out to after…

  • Sorry, We’re Closed

    There’s nothing quite like traveling across the country in a plane, only to get a rental car and then drive another three hours to your final destination only to find that just about every restaurant in town is closed. For as much as I was impressed by how overly nice everyone was during my last…

  • It Must Be A Sign

    This morning as I got home from running I noticed some chalk arrows on the street near my house. I didn’t think too much of it, maybe some kids playing. Then, about half an hour later some police motorcycles went down my street. Not only do we not see the police often by my house,…

  • I Really Need To Knock It Off

    “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one.” Ellen Hubbard I’ve had a problem with worrying about things my whole life. Whether it’s if I locked the door to the house, is my tire pressure low, did I do that the best way possible, or what someone will think…