Month: June 2012

  • Are You Backing Up?

    I recently read an article that someone is suing Apple because their Time Capsule failed and in doing so, caused him to lose photos of the birth of his child. Don’t get me wrong, but in the end it’s something that people need to start thinking about in the age where everything we do anymore…

  • My New Plateau

    I started running for the first time since high school back in March. Since I started up again I’m now running around 5 miles per day, every other day. I’m feeling better and I’ve been adding days to my schedule now that I can comfortably run 5 miles non-stop (no walking). That said, I’ve reached…

  • Child Themes

    Yeah yeah, I know, another late post. Yesterday WordPress 3.4 came out and while I was eager to update I knew that it would mean once again fussing with the handful of tweaks I’ve made to the default theme. I decided to back everything up, upgrade and then finally try to get my head around…

  • Ticket Fees

    I love live music, and I’m lucky enough to live in an area where there are lots of great performances throughout the year. Unfortunately, one thing that more and more venues are subscribing to is the idea of tacking on “service fees” to their ticket prices. Maybe it’s just me, but this just feels dishonest.…

  • Send Thoughts To Karen

    Yup, I admit it, this post is late. Yesterday was just a generally draining day for me and after I got home from work I really didn’t want to, but I ran 5 miles, then proceeded to fall asleep on the sofa after eating dinner. I even had a few post ideas in mind, but…