Tag: 90in90-2

  • Redneck Woman

    Today I had the pleasure of not only doing yard work for five hours, but I had the Gretchen Wilson song “Redneck Woman” stuck in my head the entire time. I’m not sure if it made the work take longer of just seem that way, but next time I’ll be sure to play the radio.…

  • Under The Wire

    The past few data have left me struggling to come up with a topic to post about. I’m trying to remember back to last summer and how I kept coming up with things to talk about, but it seems like at the time things just hit me and I was able to start writing, even…

  • Dot Matrix

    Recently I’ve spent some time in airports and while waiting for my flights one sound that always seems to catch my attention over all of the conversations, announcements or other hubbub is that of a dot matrix printer buzzing away. Last I checked you can’t even buy a dot matrix printer, let alone use one…

  • Pushing Through

    As I type this on my phone (which is still pretty crazy when you think about it) I think about how hard it can be to push myself to follow through with things that I known are good for me. Today I went out for a run even though I wasn’t feeling great mentally. As…

  • Time Zones

    It’s amazing what a difference two hours makes. You wouldn’t think it, but that seemingly small difference in schedules is enough to really change how you interact with people. As I spend time in the Mountain Time Zone this week I find it quite difficult to communicate with colleagues and friends. With the amazing connectivity…