Student Loan Forgiveness
Today I saw a petition being passed around on Twitter suggesting that a way to stimulate the economy would be to forgive everyone’s student loans. The rationale being that the money that they would have been putting toward student loan payments would be spent elsewhere, generating demand, which would require more workers to create the…
Adopt A Highway
Today geocachers from across the Lehigh Valley took part in a “Cache In, Trash Out” (CITO) event. The idea behind CITO is simple, Geocachers love the outdoors, so if we’re out looking for caches and we spot a piece of trash we pick it up and throw it away. Sometimes an area has such a…
The End Of The Beginning
Today marks my 90th post in the 90 in 90 challenge. It’s been quite a journey. When I was challenged back in June to take on this project I wasn’t sure what to expect. Initially I had a hard time writing anything at all, believing that what I came up with wasn’t worth saying, and…
A Simple Request
Today I received an email with a simple request: [University Relations] would like you to write a message from the President of Alumni Society. It would be a few paragraphs. Also, could you include a brief bio of yourself (2-3 paragraphs)? I would need this information by Oct. 1, 2011. Please let me know your…