Category: Uncategorized

  • Single Hauler

    I was all ready to put up a post about a completely different topic today, but as I was getting ready for work I was greeted by the sound of a garbage truck. Wednesday on my street at least three different companies pick up trash. Ridiculous. I’ve written about my experience at the meeting in…

  • Starting A Conversation

    It’s been said that if you aren’t making someone upset, then you aren’t making someone else happy. While yesterday’s announcement was met with quite a bit of enthusiasm, there were some people who seemed to have a real problem with something I have absolutely no control over, my age. Yes, I’m 32 years old. Current…

  • Write in Todd Dietrich for Bethlehem Mayor

    I followed Bethlehem’s Democratic mayoral primary closely and I will say that I found it more than a bit disturbing. While one candidate chose to look toward the future of our great city, the other candidate chose to run a disgracefully negative campaign. Unfortunately, the latter candidate won the primary and is now the only…

  • Receipt Rounding

    I travel pretty frequently for my job. Because of this, I end up eating at quite a few restaurants every month. Since I’m billing clients for my meals I have to be careful with how I tip and I’m also sure not to lose any receipts, because I want to be reimbursed for my expenses.…

  • Upgrading From iPhone 4S to 5s

    First of all, is it just me that thinks the small “s” at the end of 5s just makes it look like more than one iPhone 5? Anyway. This is a summary of what it took to upgrade from my old iPhone 4S to the new iPhone 5s. Finding an iPhone 5s On release day…