Author: Todd

  • Be The Change

    You must be the change you want to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi The first time I saw that quote was when Erin Gruwell signed my copy of The Freedom Writers Diary. At the time I thought it was a nice, simple note but didn’t give it a lot of thought. I’m not sure…

  • Tech Support Is Closed

    Today I got an instant message from someone I’d not heard from in months and things started off politely, the usual “How have you been?” etc. Not one minute into the conversation things turned to “Yeah, I’m having trouble with my computer, do you think you can take a look at it for me?” I…

  • Getting Involved

    Penn State probably won’t like this, but I really think I got more out of my extracurricular activities than I did in any of my classes. I chose to attend Penn State Lehigh Valley mainly for financial reasons. Being a local campus, it meant I could commute from home which allowed me to save on…

  • Pushing A Rope

    When I got on board with The Total Money Makeover and saw how greatly it changed my life I wanted to share it with anyone and everyone. It was so revolutionary to me, yet so simple, I thought that everyone could and should be doing it. I even got a copy of the book specifically for…

  • Goals

    In my previous post I mentioned that having measurable goals was really motivating. You may be wondering how I went about setting those goals. I hate not being able to cite a source, but in the past few years I jotted the following tips down and can’t remember where I originally heard them. These are…