I Do Not Own A Trampoline

As I shop around for home insurance I’ve been asked some questions that I expected and some others that I never thought would impact insurance. My favorite was, “Do you own a trampoline?” I had to laugh when the first insurance representative asked me because I didn’t see how that could have anything to do with insurance, but I was told that it was important because if a neighbor came over to use a trampoline on my property and got hurt, my insurance would have to cover them.

So far I’ve gotten two quotes on home owner’s and car insurance and one thing that was really surprising to me was that my car insurance will likely be cut in half. That either means I’m currently being ripped off, or that when you get home insurance and combine it with car insurance you save a significant amount of money. I’m not sure how much wiggle room the different insurance companies have, but I was really hoping that one insurer would be the cheapest because I have heard good things about the local agent. That agent is more expensive by a few hundred dollars per year for what appears to be similar coverage, but maybe I’m not reading the quote correctly.

I’m going to wait until I hear from the other two insurance companies I’ve contacted and hopefully I’ll be able to get a better handle on what an average price will be. I’m also not sure if my Realtor can assist me with reviewing the policies or if it’s beyond the scope of what she’s legally allowed to do, but I won’t bother her with looking them over until I have gotten everything assembled. After all, she deserves a nice Labor Day weekend too.

One response to “I Do Not Own A Trampoline”

  1. Todd, I’ll gladly help you to review your policy quotes but thanks for letting me have the weekend off! LOL