Month: July 2011

  • Knocked Down A Peg

    Have you ever heard the term “market correction” before? It’s what financial investors call a short term price decline. Basically, it means that things have been going so good for so long, something has to give and the price of the stock dips. Today was a reminder that corrections aren’t restricted to financial markets. Without…

  • Give A Pint

    If you had the ability to save someone’s life with about an hour of your time, would you do it? Yes, that’s a loaded question, but the reason I’m asking it is because far too many people’s actions say no. What am I talking about? Something that I’ve been doing since I was in high…

  • 57 Channels (And Nothin’ On)

    Bruce Springsteen may have come out with the song 19 years ago, but even in 2011, with hundreds of choices on television, it seems like everything is either a reality show, a blatant ripoff of a reality show, “news” about something that is hardly newsworthy or mindless garbage. Sure, I watch TV just like most…

  • Catch-22

    …a commodity that enters a person spiritually but that is a physical need: Without this invisible substance, a person will literally die. What could this be? It is the esteem of other people. Daniel Lapin As I alluded to in an earlier post, I’ve been told by more than one person that generally, people want…

  • Time Machine

    Last night I had the unexpected experience of spending three hours in a real life time machine. My friend Cindy’s birthday is coming up and she decided that it would be fun to have a few friends get together for a roller skating birthday party. I hadn’t roller skated on quads in at least twenty…