Tag: 90in90

  • Here Comes The Sun

    As just about anyone who lives in Pennsylvania can tell you, we’ve gotten a lot of rain recently. So much rain in fact that areas that haven’t flooded in decades are now deep underwater and the waters aren’t expected to recede below flood stage for a few days. While I’ve been fortunate enough to escape…

  • One Thing I Won’t Miss

    Even though I don’t really keep up with professional football there was no doubting that today was the start of the season. How did I know that? It wasn’t because I happened upon a gam on TV or that I heard about it on Twitter, no, it was because a neighbor who lives a few…

  • Choosing An Insurer

    Today I chose who I will be using for my home and car insurance. After making inquiries into a few insurers I got a pretty good idea of what rates were for the house I want to buy. I was also surprised by how some agents (including my current car insurance agent) weren’t interested in…

  • Hard To Feel Sorry

    It’s not my place to judge how anyone else chooses to live their life, but sometimes it’s just hard to feel sorry for someone when they complain about how rough things are. I’m not talking about the typical first world problems of no 3G coverage for someone’s smart phone or that McDonald’s serves lunch starting…

  • The End Of Summer

    With today being Labor Day I see a lot of chatter about how it’s the end of Summer and how that stinks, etc. Maybe it’s just me, but looking back, I can’t say that there is anything about the Summer of 2011 that made it special or memorable. I guess it’s my own doing, or…