How Would You Reinvent Mayfair?

As most of you know, I do a lot of volunteer work. This past weekend I had the privilege of helping out at the 26th annual Mayfair in Allentown. It’s the third time I’ve assisted and it’s the third year there was a significant amount of rain. It actually managed to rain four out of the five days that the festival was held. Things rapidly deteriorated into a muddy mess and just as things started to dry out there was another downpour.

Reports are that attendance was around half of what it was in 2011, and even that wasn’t a banner year. In fact, attendance has been down for the past few years, even before Mayfair decided to put up a fence in an attempt to recoup lost revenue.

With talk among the Mayfair leadership of possibly not having a festival at all next year, or at the very least, making significant changes, what do you think should be done to turn Mayfair around, or is it already too late?

I have a few ideas, but I’ll post those tomorrow. I want to see what you come up with.
