The End Of The Beginning

Today marks my 90th post in the 90 in 90 challenge. It’s been quite a journey. When I was challenged back in June to take on this project I wasn’t sure what to expect. Initially I had a hard time writing anything at all, believing that what I came up with wasn’t worth saying, and depending on your opinion, you may still think that what I write isn’t worth reading, but you’re here, aren’t you?

I’ve managed to learn a lot through participating in this challenge. Initially it was about getting the blog itself up and running, then as I continued to write I learned more about how to plan out my writing, and ultimately I learned a lot about myself. Posts have covered a wide range of topics. Some updates were me working through my own issues, others were an attempt to help others by sharing things I’ve learned and most recently I’ve been posting about buying a house. I’ll admit, there were some days where I just wrote in order to keep up with the challenge.

Over the course of the challenge there was quite a lot of attrition and I got frustrated with those who dropped out for varying reasons, because I thought if I was able to do it, they should be able to as well. Looking back I realize that this was intended to be a challenge, and by that very definition, not everyone would be able to finish. Everyone had their reasons for starting the challenge and for those that stopped, they had reasons that aren’t anything for me to judge. In the end I decided that I was writing for me, even if at times it was just so I could tell myself that I wasn’t going to fail at the challenge.

I’m glad I decided to participate. I’ve found that it’s gotten easier for me to write in general, even if it’s not much easier to write about myself. I’m still very critical of the quality of my posts, but I’ve finally been able to adopt the mentality that something 90% done and published is better than something 100% complete but never escapes being a draft. Even though the challenge is over I’ve decided that I’m going to keep writing, so I’m looking at this as the end of the beginning as opposed to the end of this blog. I don’t aspire to be a great author, but hopefully one day my writing will at least be on par with Lehigh Valley with Love.

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive through this process. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

3 responses to “The End Of The Beginning”

  1. Todd, I think my favorite quality in you is your commitment. You set a goal and you see it through to the finish…good job sir!