One Thing I Won’t Miss

Even though I don’t really keep up with professional football there was no doubting that today was the start of the season. How did I know that? It wasn’t because I happened upon a gam on TV or that I heard about it on Twitter, no, it was because a neighbor who lives a few houses down had the entire block parked up and was having a loud drunken party in his back yard like he does every night during football and hockey season. I’m not sure what he does for a living, but clearly entertaining is a priority in his life with a flat screen TV and a bar on his back porch and parties a few nights a week with dozens of guests.

If sports are your thing and you enjoy having people over to watch the game that park up the street a few nights a week I have no problem with that, but what is beyond annoying is the constant loud drunken hollering that comes from his back yard. There will be things that I will miss when I move to my new house in a few weeks, but the sounds of loud obnoxious parties coming from a few doors down a few days a week will not be one of them.